Speak Better English with our English Language Tutoring Services

Get 1-1 support to improve your English, fast with our expert English tutors who are based in the US.

“Our student saw significant test score improvements and was accepted into the private school of his choice thanks to these tutoring sessions” 

We can help you with:

TOEFL, IELTS, LOEP, English Composition, Duolingo English Test

Our tutors:

Have proven experience helping students pass placement exams

Are native English speakers based in the US

Have passed our highly selective screening process

Follow the best protocols for rapid learning

Are available to teach intensively if you need quick results

Here’s what our tutors can help you to do:

Pass placement tests including TOEFL, IELTS, LOEP, English Composition, Duolingo English Test

Get into the school you want to join

Make English speaking friends

Have real conversations in English

Access new job opportunities

Learn through what you enjoy. You can learn with YouTube videos, Netflix shows and online content to make learning fun

Note for parents: We work with students high school age and older (age 14+).

About our Programme Leader

Our programme leader Ashley Furgione (M. Ed.) is an experienced educator and administrator in the US education system with a Masters of Education (M. Ed.). She has assisted in curriculum and lesson development at the county and state levels, and has attended multiple state and national level conferences. She was selected to attend ECET2 hosted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

How to Book Your Consultation

Contact Ashley Furgione  ashley@fluentin3months.com to book your consultation session, and we’ll match you with the tutor that’s right for you.

We charge a small administration fee for our tutor matching service, and this includes your first lesson with a tutor.

Once we’ve confirmed with you that the tutor is a good fit, we have a range of custom tutoring packages available, and Ashley will support you to find the package that’s right for you.

Contact Ashley and Book your consultation session