Italian Numbers: Counting from 1 to 100+ in Italian
Learn the Italian numbers from 0 to 1,000,000+. We’ll cover how to count, tell time, and handle money in Italian!
Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond!
Learn the Italian numbers from 0 to 1,000,000+. We’ll cover how to count, tell time, and handle money in Italian!
Learning a new language in 90 days with the Add1Challenge? Here are some our recommended resources.
Get motivated and inspired with these 47 German quotes. They’re perfect for German learners, or even if you just love quotes!
I’ve learned Japanese, Croatian and Korean in 90 days with the Add1Challenge. Here’s how I do it, step-by-step.
We’ve collected over 100 German animal names (with translations) so you’ll know how to talk about pets in German, or even go to a German farm or zoo! Plus tips on how to memorize them.
The best Korean dramas for learning Korean -- plus a step-by-step guide on how to learn Korean with K-Dramas.
Congratulations to Rodylyn, what an amazing story! We were super inspired to see you learn Japanese so fast with the Add1Challenge.
Shannon Kennedy went from beginner to a 15 minute conversation in Korean after studying the language for just 90 days. Here’s how she did it.
Learn to speak Hindi with these 31 beginner lessons on getting started in the language. Includes tips on how to learn Hindi from Bollywood movies.
Get Spanish immersion anywhere with these 5 simple steps for learning Spanish. Step 1? Try out Spanglish.