Italian Numbers: Counting from 1 to 100+ in Italian
Learn the Italian numbers from 0 to 1,000,000+. We’ll cover how to count, tell time, and handle money in Italian!
Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond!
Learn the Italian numbers from 0 to 1,000,000+. We’ll cover how to count, tell time, and handle money in Italian!
Sometimes, when you’re surrounded by a new language it can overwhelm your capacity to pick up new things. It’s almost too much newness, and you just draw a line. Everything from the toothpaste to the billboards to the TV is filled by the unrecognizable. You end up looking at words and noting that you’ve seen […]
How I found an online language buddy for a conversation exchange, so I went from feeling scared of speaking to having real conversations in a new language.
Talking about learning from mistakes... “Did I really just say that?” I asked myself as I was chatting to my future Italian mother-in-law over dinner.
Learn Portuguese at no cost with these free online Portuguese language lessons. Includes audio and video lessons, as well as complete courses.
Learn a language by speaking! What is a language exchange partner - and what’s the best way to find one? Plus what language exchanges can do for you.
So you’d like to see my Fluent in 3 Months language missions? You’ve come to the right place! I set up Fluent in 3 Months to share language hacking tips and to tell the real, gritty stories of how language hacking works for me. For over a decade I travelled around the world, and whenever […]
James is at the end of his month of only speaking German - no English! How did he do? Find out in his final mission update (with video).
For ages I’ve recognised, at least in theory, that learning even just a small handful sentences in a new language can take you a long way on a holiday, and give you a unique experience of cultural immersion. I really enjoyed reading about Fluent in 3 Months founder Benny Lewis’s experience getting by with limited […]
I know lots of people who speak their second language at a very good level, yet hesitate to jump into learning a third language. Here's how to do it right.