
How I turned my guerilla-style language-learning method into a course you’ll find in bookshops around the world

written by Benny Lewis

I learned my first foreign language, Spanish, mostly by hanging out with Erasmus students during the gap year I spent in Valencia, Spain. In other words, I learned Spanish through speaking it. My second language project was Italian. And I learned it quickly — surprisingly quickly — in just a few months while I worked […]


Reading time: 9 minutes

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Le Mont-Saint-Michel, France

10 Good Reasons to Learn French

written by Jeremy Ginsburg

Looking for reasons to learn French? Why study French? Let’s take a look at a few of the benefits of speaking French (some more lighthearted than others).

A shy girl is sitting on a cliff with her dog

How to Stop Being Shy (and Start Learning a Language)

written by Shannon Kennedy

If you’re anything like me – incredibly shy – then I’d make a firm bet that most of the language learning advice you’ve read online sets off at least mild anxiety. How many times have you heard this when you run a Google search for how to learn a language: The best way to learn […]


Reading time: 7 minutes

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