Must-Know Greek Phrases for Travelers and Learners
Want to learn more Greek phrases for your holiday or everyday life? In this article, you’ll find 50+ of them:
Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond!
Want to learn more Greek phrases for your holiday or everyday life? In this article, you’ll find 50+ of them:
One of the most popular posts on this blog is my 29 life lessons learned in travelling the world (for 8 years straight). I’ve personally been to a couple of dozen countries, but then there are people like my friend Chris Guillebeau. He has been to every single country on earth! I’ve met Chris on […]
“I wish I could travel all the time – it seems like a dream come true!“ I read something along these lines on Quora the other day, and all I could think while reading it is that while travel is one of the most worthwhile things I’ve done in my life, travelling ALL THE TIME is […]
I met Frank at the very start of this year’s US book tour after being in touch for a while via the blog. When he sent me this great guest post, the Spartan in me couldn’t resist running with it! It’s about picking essential words to learn at the beginning of your language adventure, so you […]
Llevo 5 años escribiendo en este blog y todos los artículos son en inglés… hasta hoy. Sé que muchos de mis lectores no son nativos del inglés y que muchos están aprendiendo inglés todavía. Por eso, vamos a ver qué tal si comparto algunos artículos que no estén escritos en inglés, como el de hoy. Conocí […]
Now that the summer has wrapped up, it’s time to dive back into language learning, and let’s start with some thoughts on non-European languages! For that, my hyperpolyglot friend Judith Meyer is back and has written up this excellent post for us. I met in Esperanto gatherings and always see her busy answering Quora questions, […]
While my book tour continues, I’m happy to welcome another guest post about a concept in language learning we’ve all looked into at one time or another – using children’s books to learn foreign languages! Let’s see what Tim Johnson has to say on this! ——— There are a several language learning methods that allow […]
In today’s guest post, Kerstin from fluent language shares her thoughts on learning new vocabulary. Enjoy!
My name is Kerstin and I’m a dictionary fiend. Learning new words and figuring out how they’re related to other languages is one of my favourite parts of language learning.
Let me ask you a question: If you really wanted to learn a new language, what would you be doing right now to make that happen? The thing with language learning, and really with any goal or desire we have in life, is that we spend a lot of time thinking about what we want and talking about […]
In the 21st century travelling the world for cheap is more than possible. In this post I summarized everything you need to know about finding affordable flight tickets, accomodation, working abroad and enjoying life to the max. Click here to….