Italian Numbers: Counting from 1 to 100+ in Italian
Learn the Italian numbers from 0 to 1,000,000+. We’ll cover how to count, tell time, and handle money in Italian!
Unconventional language hacking tips from Benny the Irish polyglot; travelling the world to learn languages to fluency and beyond!
Learn the Italian numbers from 0 to 1,000,000+. We’ll cover how to count, tell time, and handle money in Italian!
[Quick reminder: the next language mission will be announced in the Language Hacking League email list next week! Enter your email in the top-right of the site to find out in advance of the blog announcement] Check out today’s video interview with Diarmuid Ó Mathúna from Raidió na Life, and don’t forget to click Youtube’s […]
I’ve showed you before how I take advantage of the loophole that weight doesn’t count when I fly – just put your luggage on your person with an intentionally “destroyed” jacket! But a company that actually makes jackets especially for taking advantage of this loophole got in touch with me and sent me one of their jackets. Jaktogo is the ugliest jacket you’ll see in your life, but is a huge improvement on what I was doing before.
I’m back in the Emerald Isle for the month (currently up in Donegal again, improving my Gaeilge before going back to Cavan for the Fleadh). It’s not just great to be speaking our first national language again, but also our second one; since I don’t have to water down my English to be more understandable, […]
I spent a month in Austin (TX) and learned enough ASL to make a multilingual music video in ASL, but not enough to record a video interacting with someone. But then I made it a major focus to improve my ASL to a level where I could interview people to share Deaf culture and more about ASL and how it works with the world. Check out today’s video, entirely in American Sign Language.
I met up with fellow Youtube polyglot, Moses McCormick (see his Youtube channel) in Columbus, Ohio and the two of us went to a mall simply to walk up to complete strangers and practise a bunch of languages with them.
It’s time for another guest post from Fi3M’s most frequent guest contributor, Idahosa, of The Mimic Method. Since I’m currently working on improving (among other things) my accent in various languages, this post is very timely for myself! I’ll get into using Soundcloud too for feedback on the specific problems I need to fix (such […]
Time for another video in Chinese! This is actually part of the summer project of improving many languages, and as such it is the first in a series of many interviews with natives of the languages in my list of 10. Yang Yang works as the Mandarin speaking presenter for the TV show “Hello Hollywood”.
Those of you in the email list, and following my Facebook, or twitter found out about this in advance, but today it’s time to announce on the blog what my epic summer language learning mission is, tell you where I’ll be, and precisely what I’ll be working on in TEN languages so that you can […]
Wondering what my mission will be this summer? Make sure to follow me on Facebook, twitter and Google+ to find out within a few days! The summer has begun (at least in the northern hemisphere), so what do you want to have achieved by September? If you want to make serious progress in your target […]