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Articles by:
Benny Lewis

Interview in Mandarin with TV presenter and Chinese teacher Yangyang

written by Benny Lewis

Time for another video in Chinese! This is actually part of the summer project of improving many languages, and as such it is the first in a series of many interviews with natives of the languages in my list of 10. Yang Yang works as the Mandarin speaking presenter for the TV show “Hello Hollywood”.

Online language lovers I’ve met for you to check out

written by Benny Lewis

The results are in and it turns out that Fluent in 3 months has won the top Language Blogs of 2012 competition! Thanks so much for your votes everyone!! 😀 What an honour!! Have a look at the top blogs, as well as top language lovers overall (which includes twitter and language professionals) and I’m […]


Reading time: 7 minutes

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Did I Really Learn to Speak Chinese in 3 Months?

Did I Really Learn to Speak Chinese in 3 Months?

written by Benny Lewis

The big question regarding my Mandarin project that a lot of people have been asking is How well can you really speak it Benny? I’ve been saying it’s about a B1 (lower intermediate), but I’m sure self evaluation (even though I have indeed sat so many CEFRL examinations ) can lead to some scepticism, so […]

Kung Fu: My experience learning about it in a Chinese farming village

written by Benny Lewis

[Click “CC” to activate subtitles in either English or in Chinese simplified/traditional. Those in China without a VPN can watch it on Youku] After getting a train over 2,000km through China, chatting with random people and seeing pandas, meeting a Buddhist monk, and even climbing a mountainside staircase to a Buddhist temple to try and […]