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Articles by:
Guest Author

Forget “learning a language.” Focus on forming the habit.

Forget “learning a language.” Focus on forming the habit.

written by Guest Author

Meet Maneesh Sethi. Maneesh is a friend, an inventor, and a fellow language learner (he has been a DJ in Berlin, and spoken on stage in Italian, among other things) with a very particular passion… For years, he has been obsessed with solving the problem of maintaining motivation that we all face in trying to […]


Reading time: 16 minutes

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8 Lessons Learned from Visiting Every Country in the World

8 Lessons Learned from Visiting Every Country in the World

written by Guest Author

One of the most popular posts on this blog is my 29 life lessons learned in travelling the world (for 8 years straight). I’ve personally been to a couple of dozen countries, but then there are people like my friend Chris Guillebeau. He has been to every single country on earth! I’ve met Chris on […]


Reading time: 9 minutes

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What You Can Do With The Most Common 300 Words In A Foreign Language?

What You Can Do With The Most Common 300 Words In A Foreign Language?

written by Guest Author

I met Frank at the very start of this year’s US book tour after being in touch for a while via the blog. When he sent me this great guest post, the Spartan in me couldn’t resist running with it! It’s about picking essential words to learn at the beginning of your language adventure, so you […]


Reading time: 5 minutes

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Tips for Learning Non-European Languages

Tips for Learning Non-European Languages

written by Guest Author

Now that the summer has wrapped up, it’s time to dive back into language learning, and let’s start with some thoughts on non-European languages! For that, my hyperpolyglot friend Judith Meyer is back and has written up this excellent post for us. I met in Esperanto gatherings and always see her busy answering Quora questions, […]


Reading time: 8 minutes

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Fun and Engaging Language Learning with Children’s Picture Books

written by Guest Author

While my book tour continues, I’m happy to welcome another guest post about a concept in language learning we’ve all looked into at one time or another – using children’s books to learn foreign languages! Let’s see what Tim Johnson has to say on this! ——— There are a several language learning methods that allow […]


Reading time: 8 minutes

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How To Be Organised About Learning New Vocabulary

How To Be Organised About Learning New Vocabulary

written by Guest Author

In today’s guest post, Kerstin from fluent language shares her thoughts on learning new vocabulary. Enjoy!
My name is Kerstin and I’m a dictionary fiend. Learning new words and figuring out how they’re related to other languages is one of my favourite parts of language learning.


Reading time: 7 minutes

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How to Learn a Language like Google

How to Learn a Language like Google

written by Guest Author

You can learn a lot about how language works by studying how software-engineers approach the challenge of speech-recognition. In the early days of the field, engineers theorized that getting a computer to recognize speech was merely a question programming a large database of word recordings into it. For example, get a speaker to say the phrase “I can’t wait to watch this Kickstarter video!”, and the machine would be able to link the phrase with the sounds from its database and tease out the co


Reading time: 10 minutes

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Sprint! Take goal setting in language learning to the next level

written by Guest Author

What comes to mind when I say the words “goal setting”?

Is it:

a) Yes! I’m there!

b) I never bother

c) I know it’s important, but…

I’ve known people who fall into all three camps. Some people seem to have a natural ability to set goals and stick to them. Others just get started and don’t bother with goals.

But when it comes to language learning in particular, I suspect there’s a fairly large number of people who fall into the last category.

I’m a classic example of this. I’m great at setting goals – I can set goals and decide how I’ll achieve them all day. Sometimes I actually do 🙂 But, inevitably, after a certain period of time, I fall off the log. I can’t, or don’t, follow through.

Happens every time.

I have massive respect for people who are strong at goal setting and have the stick-to-it-iveness to follow through. But what happens if you just don’t work that way?


Reading time: 8 minutes

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9 Reasons You’re Hitting Language Learning Walls (& How to Break Through Them to Finally Become Fluent)

written by Guest Author

It’s the feeling of stagnation, like sitting around and waiting for something to happen because you know you’ve been putting in the work.

It’s what happens when you feel a huge rush of demotivation because you’re really tired of studying this language every single day and not seeing much of a return for it.

Benny Lewis has definitely hit them before and so have thousands of other language learners.

BRICK WALLS. At the end of the day, some get through them and some don’t.


Reading time: 13 minutes

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