Category: Culture

Don’t be scared to meet new people

written by Benny Lewis

What’s the worst that could happen? If you plan on learning a foreign language, and especially if you plan on travelling, you have to meet new people. You can’t avoid this! It’s kind of the whole point of learning a language (unless you are only interested in literature) and travelling (unless you travel only to […]


Reading time: 7 minutes

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Why I love Brazilians (& Br. Portuguese)

written by Benny Lewis

If you liked this post, I’ve also written about How to speak like a Carioca, and how to learn Portuguese after Spanish. Brazilian Portuguese Motivation is extremely important in being able to improve your command over a language. Today I’d like to share my motivation for deciding to make Portuguese the first language that I […]


Reading time: 7 minutes

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Finding the right accommodation for immersion in a culture

written by Benny Lewis

Hello from Rio de Janeiro!! Since I’m still just settling in (and getting over jetlag), tonight will be the first time that I go out on the town! Obviously the main part of this mission is to get out and meet Cariocas who can help me understand their language and culture a little bit more, […]


Reading time: 7 minutes

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My next mission: Become Brazilian in 3 months!

written by Benny Lewis

EDIT: This mission was a success! You can read how I spoke Portuguese with no foreign accent, and how I adapted to life in Rio. I also wrote about why I love Brazilians so much :=) After learning 6 languages to fluency in 6 years of travels, and learning to speak Czech in just two […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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How to become a location-independent freelance translator

How to become a location-independent freelance translator

written by Benny Lewis

In the previous post I explained my background (and need) to become a freelance translator. In this post I will go into more detail about how I got work, what that work involves and why it’s not as easy as you think!! Finding translation work I was in a pretty bad situation a few years […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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My background before becoming a location-independent freelance translator

written by Benny Lewis

Unlike most of my posts, this one is not a general “how to” that I think everyone can also follow. It’s my random story of the path I took to get to a great job; for those curious 🙂 This post does not have any useful information about finding work as a translator etc. It […]


Reading time: 5 minutes

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Do you need to be rich to travel the world?

Do you need to be rich to travel the world?

written by Benny Lewis

A lot of people have been asking me how I fund my language-learning travels – did I win the lottery? Do I have really rich parents that pay for everything? Maybe I donate a lot of plasma, sell property or invest in the stock market? Actually, for many of my travels, I had quite normal jobs […]


Reading time: 6 minutes

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