Category: Main Categories

Cool sign language videos

written by Benny Lewis

I’m on the last week of my American Sign Language mission! This has turned out to be one of my most interesting language projects yet! So interesting in fact, that I am pretty sure I’ll come back to the states for another month (after I’ve tackled my fourth language this year) to continue my progress […]


Reading time: 3 minutes

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Communicating without words – my fun non-spoken train ride in India

written by Benny Lewis

Words. Who needs them? Of course, if you want a really high academic level in a language then learning vocabulary, by whatever way you do it, will get you there. Most exams will test you on your memory capacity for even some obscure words that you’ll never actually need in real life. And some people […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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Perfectionist paralysis

written by Benny Lewis

Perfectionism is usually thought of as a desirable quality to have. You can’t get better than “the best”, right? Well, in my opinion perfectionism is among the worst possible attributes a person can have if they really want to achieve anything in life. Yes, high standards are important, and yes, if what you do is […]


Reading time: 6 minutes

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Unleash your confidence

written by Benny Lewis

People know I feel that confidence is an absolutely crucial part of generally improving your life and especially for being able to speak languages well, but it’s been pointed out that I have a somewhat insensitive way of telling people to be more confident. I feel that the slap-in-the-face approach of telling people not to […]


Reading time: 8 minutes

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Challenges in the Philippines + video in Tagalog

written by Benny Lewis

I’ve already settled into Austin and am well into my ASL mission (first impressions & hopefully another video in ASL coming on Saturday!) but I thought I should wrap up the story of my time in the Philippines first! The last time I updated I had just moved into the cottage on White Beach in […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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Next mission: American Sign Language!

written by Benny Lewis

Hello from Austin, Texas! 😀 It may seem like there aren’t that many options for an English (and Spanish) speaking Irish guy to learn a new language in the United States of America, but I see opportunity everywhere and here is no exception 😉 You can always learn a language no matter where you are, […]


Reading time: 4 minutes

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Tagalog: a fun language to learn in the Philippines!

written by Benny Lewis

In this post, I’d like to give a summary about some cool features of Tagalog and my impressions of it for those of you curious! Best news: Encouraging locals When describing features of a language if you leave out context of how it’s spoken and who’s speaking it and focus just on grammar and vocabulary, […]

Why my destiny was to never speak Spanish and how I did it anyway

Why my destiny was to never speak Spanish and how I did it anyway

written by Benny Lewis

It’s easy to look at someone who already speaks a second language and just think that it comes naturally to them. Perhaps if you see something like the video of me sharing my salsa learning experience in pretty good Spanish, you might think that speaking Spanish was just my destiny. I’m “naturally talented” with languages […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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