Category: Main Categories

The most important thing to think about before doing something important or nerve-wrecking

written by Benny Lewis

You see the native speaker of your target language, that girl/boy you like, an important person you admire or you could be moments away from clicking “send” on an important e-mail or job application, or pressing that last digit to make an important phonecall. And then it starts: the self-doubt, the reasons you’ll fail and […]


Reading time: 3 minutes

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The importance of experimentation over blind faith

written by Benny Lewis

As an engineer with a scientific background, I am quite sceptical to wild claims, in life, explaining how the universe works, and in language learning. Even in the days of ebooks and smartphones we still apply backward centuries-old thinking to concepts that should have died out long ago. While some would call it closed mindedness, […]


Reading time: 12 minutes

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Music and TV for homework? Really? Yes. Sí. Oui. Да. نعم

written by Guest Author

This is a guest post by the author of Language is Music: Over 70 Fun & Easy Tips to Learn Foreign Languages, by Susanna Zaraysky. She speaks seven languages (Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Serbo-Croatian) with perfect or almost perfect accents because she used music, TV, radio and movies to supplement her language […]


Reading time: 13 minutes

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Learning Brazilian Portuguese if you already speak Spanish

Learning Brazilian Portuguese if you already speak Spanish

written by Benny Lewis

I had the chance to attend one of the world’s most famous parties; Brazil’s Carnival. While most visitors would check it out in Rio, which I have lived in, my experience of the Carnival in Olinda in the Northeast was incredible! Some ‘gringos’ (note: in Brazil that word is used affectionately, not derogatively, and describes […]

Introducing the best language learning system in the world: HB 2.0

written by Benny Lewis

What’s the best language learning system? So many people keep asking me this question, so I want to settle it once and for all. It’s not Rosetta Stone, it’s not Pimsleur, it’s not LingQ, it’s not any book you can find in your local library, or any podcast that you can download. If you have […]


Reading time: 3 minutes

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First weeks in the Philippines & video tour of my beach cottage

written by Benny Lewis

Time for a mission update! Last time I updated was after a few days in Manila when I had decided to go down south. I made it to Cebu, and went straight to the very south of that island (around Moalboal) to get some time by the sea (I hadn’t been by the sea for […]


Reading time: 8 minutes

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The silent period – a comfortable way to waste time

written by Benny Lewis

If your end-goal is to speak then having a silent period to prepare (while you study, listen, or brace yourself for the glorious coming of your ready day foretold by language learning prophets) is nothing more than a comfortable way to waste time. It’s amazing how much this is promoted by various methods I see […]


Reading time: 5 minutes

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Looking for signs: understanding foreign body language

written by Benny Lewis

Explanations of foreign body language / gestures is one of the many many things you won’t find in grammar books and typical courses. And it’s something you’ll never pick up from audio based passive learning. The vast majority of non-verbal communication is actually universal – it would just seem strange to list them. But then […]


Reading time: 6 minutes

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Learning grammar… do I have to?

written by Benny Lewis

For most people, the grammar issue is a huge question. So you may be surprised to see I haven’t written many posts about it despite running this blog for over 5 years about languages and related topics. The reason is simple: there is no one-size-fits-all solution. I have my method, and someone else will tell […]


Reading time: 11 minutes

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