Category: Main Categories

Why Tonal Languages Aren’t as Hard as You Think

Why Tonal Languages Aren’t as Hard as You Think

written by Jeremy Ginsburg

Here’s my take on language difficulty: All languages are created equal. Mandarin Chinese. English. Russian. Arabic. You name it. They all have their own challenging aspects. But – here’s the kicker – humans can speak all of them. I’ve yet to hear about a language that went extinct only because it was so difficult to […]


Reading time: 14 minutes

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How to Learn Scottish Gaelic

How to Learn Scottish Gaelic

written by Maureen Millward

Scottish Gaelic is experiencing a revival - here's how you can learn the language, with resources and tips on how to start.


Reading time: 10 minutes

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6 Ways for Beginners to Outsmart "Expert" Language Learners

6 Ways for Beginners to Outsmart “Expert” Language Learners

written by Benny Lewis

When you’re a beginner in a language, and you meet someone who’s studied it for years, it can be a bit of a shock. You wonder: “How are they so damn good?” It feels like they’re leagues ahead of you. How can you hope to stay motivated all that time and catch up with the […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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Does Your Personality Change When You Speak Another Language?

written by Ekaterina Matveeva

Have you ever wondered if you have an alter ego? By learning other languages you can find a new identity! That’s right. Learning another language gives you a new personality. If you already speak other languages, you might have noticed this for yourself. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you’ll end up like the case of The […]


Reading time: 9 minutes

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Christmas Traditions from Around the World

written by Benny Lewis

As you post Christmas cards, hang up tinsel and glaze your turkey, have you ever wondered about the Christmas traditions in other parts of the world? Did you know that in the Czech Republic, teenagers dress up as devils and go in search for small children? Or that the Christmas festivities in Catalan largely revolve around […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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