Category: Main Categories

Very quick look at Benny’s current Japanese level. Suggestions (with whom, about what) for longer upcoming video updates?

written by Benny Lewis

Sorry that this video is so short! Starting next week, I’ll get back into weekly updates until the end of the project with maybe just one break (so that’s six more videos up until the week my 3 months runs out), but I hope this teaser snapshot shows you more or less how I’m doing right now!

The reason the video isn’t longer is because my Skype recording software crashed after 4 minutes, which is a pity because Yuri asked me interesting questions and we had a real exchange (you only hear her say a couple of words in this video), discussing how my parents visited me here in Valencia.

English words in Japanese: Music video with Japanese learners

written by Benny Lewis

Wednesday was my one month point in the three month Japanese challenge, so to really make my mark I wanted to record one last video with a prepared script before I get into recording spontaneous Skype (or in person) chats for the next two months. To really make it count, I decided to record a music video!

This video is quite an oddity because it is entirely in Japanese… and yet many of you who will have never learned any Japanese will understand quite a lot of it even without reading the lyrics that are edited into the video. And that’s because the video is made up entirely of words Japanese has borrowed from English, but said as closely as possible to the Japanese pronunciation (written in the Katakana script every time).

As a Beginner in Japanese, Don’t Worry About the Formality

written by Guest Author

I’m quickly approaching my one month point in Japanese, and can give you some updates on how I’m doing there soon! In the mean time, I got this interesting guest post suggestion from William Peregoy. I’m quickly seeing that the scare tactics used on Japanese learners, like in every other language that I’ve come across, […]

Tour of my home in Japanese after learning it for 2 weeks!

written by Benny Lewis

A little tradition I’ve kept up since starting the blog, is to give you a video tour of almost every place I temporarily call home! For instance, in English I showed you my penthouse in Rio, my lovely flat in Medellín, the flat around the corner from the Danube in Budapest, and the beach cottage […]

National Geographic Traveler of the Year – a win for language learning tourism

written by Benny Lewis

Today I’m very pleased to announce to you that I have been awarded the title of National Geographic’s Traveler of the Year! Check out the full article and interview here. You’ll see it in print in the November edition of the magazine later this month. And no, it won’t look anything like this cheesy image […]


Reading time: 2 minutes

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My Japanese Skype Call After One Week

My Japanese Skype Call After One Week

written by Benny Lewis

In a change from my initial plan to wait a month before uploading conversations, here is my 10-day update in Japanese. This video is entirely in Japanese, and absolutely and utterly non-scripted (apart from the intro). I messaged my Facebook page, targetting just those in Japan, and Junpei offered to let me record a chat […]