Language: French

How to speak French like a Quebecker - Le québécois en 10 leçons

How to speak French like a Quebecker – Le québécois en 10 leçons

written by Guest Author

As you all know, I’m a huge fan of Quebec and especially of its French dialect (here’s a video of me in French, interviewing a Quebec girl about the differences) and the wonderful people there. Because I genuinely tried to speak like them while living in Montréal, rather than rigidly sticking to the French I […]

How to Get Free French Classes on YouTube

How to Get Free French Classes on YouTube

written by Benny Lewis

I think the potential of learning online from what most consider something that you must go to classes for, was recently excellently demonstrated by Scott Young, as he successfully learned MIT’s Computer Science four year course in one year without actually going to MIT.