Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy talk to Will John, a professional soccer player from the US who has played for teams in many different countries, including Denmark, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Morocco and Georgia. Will shares his top tips from his experience learning languages as he travels the world..
Featured Resources
Mentioned in this Episode
- Muzzy in Gondoland
- Goluremi
- Goluremi on Youtube
- Goluremi on Youtube in Spanish
- The Way of Will John
- Will John’s Instagram
- 11th Commandment YouTube
- Foreign footballers speaking Finnish video
Episode Overview
Some of the topics brought up during the interview are:
- Will’s first foreign language: learning Spanish as a kid by watching Spanish-language TV shows.
- The strategies Will used to learn Danish when he moved to Denmark
- Tips for learning a language with immersion and with immersion.
- The power of rehearsal in language learning
- How to avoid the “English bubble” when living abroad
- Job opportunities that open up when you’ve got language skills
- How Will mixes his languages and football skills, and applies his football training methods to language learning
- Facing fears and creating online videos in other languages
- Why reading matters in language learning
- Feeling “ok” in the danger zone – and why that matters for language learners
Podcast theme: “A New Beginning” by Shannon Kennedy
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