
Thanks for all your great coverage so far. You'll find my media kit and direct contact information below.

To learn more about me, please check out my bio.

I've been featured on major news outlets in print, TV, and radio, including BBC, National Geographic,  Forbes, New York Times, Business Insider, and The Huffington Post. I write and speak on a  range of topics like rapid language learning, language hacking and lifestyle hacking, productivity, and travel.

Here are some of my recent accomplishments:

Interview Samples
Bloomberg TV
RTE Saturday Night TV
KPBS Radio
BBC Radio 4

Press in the US
The New York Times
National Geographic
Huffington Post
Business Insider
Four Hour Work Week
Reddit (front page AMA)
LifehackerGet Rich Slowly
Art of Manliness
Zen Habits

Press in the UK/Ireland
BBC travel
The Metro (UK)
Sunday Times (UK)
The Irish Times
Raidió na Life (interviewed in Irish/Gaeilge)
Newstalk Radio (national Irish radio)
The Irish Examiner
The Anglo Celt (Cavan, Ireland)
The Evening Herald (Dublin, Ireland)

International Press
Weekend Sunrise (Australia)
TQS (Quebec)
The Singapore Business Times
Onze Taal (Netherlands, interviewed in Dutch)
Radio Aragón (interviewed in Spanish)
The China Post
Haaretz (Israel)


To request an interview with Benny

If you represent a media outlet (TV, newspaper, radio, large website etc.), with a large audience, please feel free to contact me using this form!

I am also happy to provide quotes to be featured in articles related to language learning and travel in general.


  • This form is for press only. If you would like to get in touch with me for any other reason please use this page instead.
  • Sadly, I cannot give interviews for school projects, university dissertations, or for your own personal interests. For that, see my consultation page.
  • In your message, please mention who you work for, and provide a link or some other way to confirm your authenticity.
  • I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

[contact-form-7 id=”8204″ title=”Interview”]


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